What is the Lack of Security Speed Bump Page Vulnerability?

A speed bump is not the same as a pop-up. While a speed bump is triggered when a user clicks on a specific web link, the usage of a speed bump avoids the issues associated with pop-up technology. The speed bump is not generated using potentially insecure code, is made purely on the institution’s system, and cannot be removed by the user in the same way that pop-ups may.

A speed bump is defined as an intermediary webpage that warns the user about the transition to the third-party website. What it says is up to the bank, and it might range from “we are not liable for anything that occurs from now on” to “the site you are about to visit is not within our control.” The speedbump is generated internally by the institution’s operating system rather than externally via mobile code, and it cannot be deactivated by the user.

To reduce risk, speed bumps should be used as a control. Like all restrictions, we need them at times and don’t at others.

ZOFixer.com security scan helps to find this vulnerability in your web application, you can easily use it by registering on our website and activating the 30-day trial.

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