What is System Clipboard Leak Shared Links Vulnerability?

For decades, users have relied on Ctrl+C or copy buttons. All of these strategies and shortcuts for speeding up text processing have become second nature to us. Apart from the fact that we may paste copied material, we don’t pay attention to what happens to it. It’s reasonable to suppose that most of us think of the clipboard as a temporary data storage location. Previous data in the clipboard will be overwritten if you copy something. When copying sensitive information such as passwords, people depend on this assumption.

You should use a safe browser to preserve the clipboard’s temporary and local promise in locations where users expect privacy, and you should not share that data with Clipboard History or Cloud Clipboard. This safeguards users’ passwords and usernames when they copy them from the Passwords page, as well as whatever they copy to the clipboard from a Private Browsing window.

For sensitive data, use proper clipboard formats. CVE-2021-38505 may be found at https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2021-38505.

ZOFixer.com security scan helps to find this vulnerability in your web application, you can easily use it by registering on our website and activating the 30-day trial.

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