What is social engineering penetration testing?

Social engineering penetration testing is the technique of conducting common social engineering scams on workers of a company in order to determine the organization’s level of susceptibility to that sort of exploit.

Social engineering pen testing is intended to assess employees’ adherence to management-defined security rules and procedures. Testing should educate a corporation about how quickly an intruder may persuade staff to violate security regulations or reveal or offer access to critical information. The corporation should also have a better grasp of how effective its security training is and how the organization compares to its peers in terms of security.

Social engineering testing may be carried out as part of larger penetration tests (pen tests). The tests themselves, like ethical hacking approaches, often emulate the sorts of attempts used by real-world invaders.

Physical testing, for example, could involve a tester attempting to enter a secured building at a time when many employees are entering, possibly while talking on the phone and carrying multiple items to see if someone simply holds the door open rather than following the approved procedure of allowing the door to close behind them so that anyone following must use an employee card or badge for entry.

Phishing attacks, a popular social engineering technique, are frequently used to assess employee susceptibility. Testers may send an email purporting to be from someone in management, requesting that the employee open an unexpected attachment, submit sensitive information, or visit an unauthorized website.

A tester may phone workers pretending to be from IT, handing out new passwords and instructing them to change their current passwords to the new ones.

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