What is Misconfigured DNS – High Impact Subdomain Takeover vulnerability?

A Misconfigured DNS – High Impact Subdomain Takeover Vulnerability is a critical security issue that occurs when an attacker gains control over a subdomain of a website or application due to misconfigured DNS settings. This can lead to a range of high-impact attacks, such as phishing, data theft, and complete compromise of the affected subdomain. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the risks associated with subdomain takeover vulnerabilities, provide detailed examples, and offer solutions for various platforms to help you secure your DNS configuration effectively.

Understanding Subdomain Takeover Vulnerabilities:

Subdomain takeover vulnerabilities occur when a subdomain that is intended to point to a specific service or resource becomes unclaimed or orphaned due to misconfiguration. Attackers can exploit this situation by claiming the subdomain and redirecting it to their malicious content, effectively impersonating the legitimate service.

Risks and Implications:

Subdomain takeovers pose serious risks, including:

  1. Phishing Attacks: Attackers can set up phishing sites on the hijacked subdomain to trick users into disclosing sensitive information.
  2. Data Theft: Confidential data, such as login credentials or session cookies, can be stolen from unsuspecting users.
  3. Malware Distribution: Malicious files or software can be hosted on the subdomain, potentially infecting users’ devices.
  4. Reputation Damage: Subdomain takeovers can damage an organization’s reputation and erode trust with customers.

Common Causes of Subdomain Takeovers:

  1. Unused Subdomains: Subdomains that were once used but are no longer needed are often forgotten and left vulnerable.
  2. Expired Services: Services or applications associated with subdomains may be decommissioned without properly removing DNS records.
  3. Third-Party Services: Integrating third-party services or cloud providers can introduce subdomain misconfigurations.

Examples of Subdomain Takeovers:

Let’s examine examples of subdomain takeover vulnerabilities across different platforms and services:

1. Expired Cloud Service (Amazon S3):

A company previously used an Amazon S3 bucket to host files on the subdomain cdn.example.com. However, they forgot to renew the service, leaving the subdomain vulnerable to takeover.

2. Forgotten GitHub Page:

A developer created a GitHub Pages site for blog.example.com. When they abandoned the project, the subdomain became available for takeover.

3. Unclaimed Azure Web App:

A business created a subdomain api.example.com for an Azure Web App but forgot to configure it. The subdomain is now available for exploitation.

Solutions for Subdomain Takeover:

To mitigate subdomain takeover vulnerabilities, implement these solutions tailored to your platform:

1. AWS (Amazon Web Services):

  • Regularly audit your AWS resources, including S3 buckets and CloudFront distributions.
  • Delete or properly configure unused resources.
  • Enable S3 bucket access logging and monitor access.
  • Implement strict bucket policies and access controls.

2. GitHub Pages:

  • Remove or archive GitHub Pages repositories associated with subdomains that are no longer in use.
  • Regularly review your GitHub Pages settings.

3. Azure:

  • Monitor and manage your Azure resources, including Web Apps and DNS records.
  • Remove unneeded or expired resources.
  • Enable Azure Monitor to detect unusual activity.

4. DNS Providers (General):

  • Implement proper DNS record management practices.
  • Remove obsolete or unused DNS records and subdomains.
  • Periodically review and audit your DNS configuration.

Preventing Subdomain Takeover

To prevent subdomain takeover vulnerabilities, domain owners should actively manage their DNS records and promptly remove or update any DNS records pointing to abandoned or unused subdomains. Here are code samples in various programming languages and frameworks to help domain owners validate DNS records:


# Use Python and the `dns.resolver` library to check DNS records
import dns.resolver

def check_dns(subdomain):
        answers = dns.resolver.query(subdomain, 'CNAME')
        for answer in answers:
    except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
        print(f"The subdomain '{subdomain}' does not exist.")
    except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
        print(f"No CNAME record found for '{subdomain}'.")

# Example usage


// Use Node.js with the `dns.promises` module to check DNS records
const dns = require('dns').promises;

async function checkDNS(subdomain) {
  try {
    const records = await dns.resolveCname(subdomain);
    records.forEach(record => {
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.code === 'ENOTFOUND') {
      console.log(`The subdomain '${subdomain}' does not exist.`);
    } else if (error.code === 'ENODATA') {
      console.log(`No CNAME record found for '${subdomain}'.`);
    } else {

// Example usage

Ruby (Ruby on Rails)

# Use Ruby with the `resolv` library to check DNS records
require 'resolv'

def check_dns(subdomain)
    cname = Resolv::DNS.open.getresource(subdomain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::CNAME)
    puts cname.name.to_s
  rescue Resolv::ResolvError
    puts "The subdomain '#{subdomain}' does not exist."

# Example usage


// Use PHP's `gethostbyname` function to check DNS records
function checkDNS($subdomain) {
    $ip = gethostbyname($subdomain);
    if ($ip === $subdomain) {
        echo "The subdomain '$subdomain' does not exist.";
    } else {
        echo "IP address for '$subdomain': $ip";

// Example usage


// Use Java's `InetAddress` class to check DNS records
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;

public class DNSChecker {
    public static void checkDNS(String subdomain) {
        try {
            InetAddress[] addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(subdomain);
            for (InetAddress address : addresses) {
                System.out.println("IP address for '" + subdomain + "': " + address.getHostAddress());
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            System.out.println("The subdomain '" + subdomain + "' does not exist.");

    public static void main(String[] args) {


// Use Go's `net` package to check DNS records
package main

import (

func checkDNS(subdomain string) {
    addrs, err := net.LookupHost(subdomain)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("The subdomain '%s' does not exist.\n", subdomain)
    for _, addr := range addrs {
        fmt.Printf("IP address for '%s': %s\n", subdomain, addr)

func main() {

These additional code samples demonstrate how to check DNS records in PHP, Java, and Go to help domain owners identify misconfigurations and address subdomain takeover vulnerabilities effectively.

By regularly validating DNS records and promptly addressing misconfigurations or abandoned subdomains, domain owners can effectively mitigate the risk of subdomain takeover and enhance the security of their online assets.

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