What is Database Management System (DBMS) Misconfiguration- Excessively Privileged User / DBA Vulnerability?

Any company’s most valuable asset is data. Every day, businesses all around the world generate a massive amount of data on their operations and customers. Data is saved in databases, which are used to manage data and perform numerous operations both inside and outside of businesses. Data protection is an essential component of corporate security because of its fundamental value. Any database management system (DBMS), also known as database security, must have data security as its purpose. It is not always the case, though.

Database users may have varying levels of access. Users may, however, misuse them, and the three basic categories of privilege abuse are as follows: excessive privilege abuse, justified privilege abuse, and underutilized privilege abuse. Excessive privileges usually introduce unneeded hazards. According to statistics, 80 percent of attacks on business databases are carried out by current or former workers.

SQL Injections are attacks in which harmful code is inserted in frontend (web) applications and then transmitted to the backend database. SQL injections provide fraudsters with unrestricted access to any data saved in a database.

It’s a good idea to create backups of proprietary databases at regular intervals. Surprisingly, database backup files are frequently left entirely vulnerable to attack.

Due to misconfiguration, databases are frequently discovered to be completely unsecured. Furthermore, some databases include default accounts and setup settings. It is important to remember that hackers are frequently highly competent IT professionals who are well-versed in exploiting database flaws and misconfigurations and using them to attack your firm.

ZOFixer.com security scan helps to find this vulnerability in your software and server, you can easily use it by registering on our website and activating the 30-day trial.

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